
woensdag 27 april 2011

Personal issues

 Personal problems that really are no big deal

Yesterday, I thought:
'I stop blogging, I'm so busy right now and I don't think anyone will read it anyway.' And I totally get why nobody reads it, because if I would pass this blog (while I'm not me, bien sûr) I would not read it either. I have nothing interesting to say, you see. But, I said to myself, I should keep trying and maybe then BOOM inspiration would be there! And indeed, I had a phew moments when I was like: I have to remember this - I can write something about it - in mean time I already forgot where this was all about ...
I have a lot of hobbies (subject change so suddenly, why is that? - you'll see!), and I can never decide what to do. I mean - what to do next year? I want to act, I want to keep horseriding, I want to draw, I want to play volley, I want to continue scouting, I want to play the guitar ... And I have to make my homework, I have to study... I don't have enough time! So - I guess - there is no time for blogging. And I will never have that fluent writing style some are blessed with.
Then I started discussing with myself (in silent, let that be clear), and eventually I decided to continue writing. And I don't really care if someone follows me (or maybe I care a little...), I'll write for myself! Maybe this can help to clear out a lot of stuff. :)
Like my hobbies, for example; if someone does something nice or when I see a cool sport, I want to do it. And I can't do everything, you know - well of course you know, but I have to realise!
Blogging is like all these others. We'll see of something good comes from it.

Oh, and I bought this jumpsuit with flowers, that I liked in the store, but when I came home, it absolutely sucked. It's a short one. If you have an idea of how I can wear it and make it look pretty, tell me :) (another reason why I started this blog; I already am subtl but different with what I wear, but I want to create my own clothes - not that blogging will help me, but hopefully I'll get some inspiration on other blogs -- way cooler blogs, I'm afraid -> don't worry! This blog will be cool in no time! You can trust me on this one, I hope ..


One more thing: 
I need a dress to survive summer in a fashionably way. I wanted to buy this one (at H&M), but H&M online shop does not exist in Belgium. Which is just shit. In the real stores they don't sell these. Hate it.

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Inspiration can come from anywhere! Look to blogs you love and take note about what you love about them, and you'll start seeing beauty in even the mundane :) xoxo Marissa

  2. Thanks a lot! This will keep me going on for a while :) and Marissa, you're absolutely right, it's just that there is so much that seems interesting, and I have to decide what comes first :)

  3. hi there, similars are available at :)
